Saturday, February 17, 2007

Mittens versus Formula

That seems to be the "debate-du-jour" with our little son today. He's just a-grinning away and rolls around the nipple of the bottle on his tongue. Then he sticks his mittened (to keep from scratching himself and others) hands into his mouth.

I was debating what I love most about the handsome guy the other day. Is it his perfect little mouth? Maybe it's his bright, dark eyes? Maybe it's the dimple under his mouth that gets formula stuck in it? Or it could be the talking (cooing/babbling) that he does? I should just face facts: I'm completely, totally, unabashedly in love with the little man. No apologies... just love.

When we were first considering adoption, I briefly wondered if it would be possible to bond with someone else's biological child. It is. It sooo is possible, and probable! His looks simply remind me of more people who love him. I see in his face his biological brother, mom, dad, and sister. His smile reminds me of the hours spent in the maternity ward back in October. His wiggling reminds me of his biological sister squirming in Bob's arms the day we first met them all. We are so blessed that we will be able to share these wonderful people with him. (Although we are still trying to figure out what that future connection with them might be... open adoptions can vary so much and we all want to do what is best for the children involved.)

I feel as if I'm taunting you if I don't give you a picture of him... so one is added to this message that was taken this week.

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