I'm impatient
Shocking revelation about me: I'm impatient. Actually, I'm impatient about some things and incredibly patient about others. I've long been an advocate of the "prayer", "God, grant me patience and do it NOW!" It so sums up my mentality. Here's the kicker for me: much of what goes on in my life is out of my control. Can I hurry up the adoption process? No. Can I hurry up the school year? No. Can I fix students' home situations? No. Like I said, much is out of my control and that drives me nuts.
What I need to learn to focus on is fixing the things I can actually fix. Instead, I often find myself worrying about the things that are out of my control. That's a complete waste of engery, but I do it entirely too often. :-(
Speaking of not that at all... Notre Dame is beating Stanford 7-0 in South Bend. :-) I'm just sayin'. ;-)